NLP and Job Change

We are experiencing a period of uncertainty where jobs are no longer as secure as they used to be and life-long careers with one company are now extremely rare. We are seeing an unprecedented number of people taking a long hard look at their working life and considering their options. At this time of transition many people have asked us how NLP can help with career change. We thought we’d put together a few notes to summarise these conversations. In particular we look at how our popular 4-day NLP Diploma could assist you in defining and finding the most rewarding and satisfying role.

What makes you tick?

In our NLP Diploma programme you’ll learn why you find some activities more rewarding than others. You’ll discover that everyone has an innate set of behavioural preferences that define:

  • What energises you
  • How you take information in
  • How you reach decisions and
  • How you prefer to interact with the external world

You’ll discover that everyone is subtlety different in their outlook on life and how your unique take on the world will lead you to find some occupations more rewarding than others. This is hugely useful information from a career point of view for 2 reasons:

  1. You can make sure the next role fits your personal preferences. You are then more able and more likely to perform at your best and find the role more satisfying
  2. For an existing role you may be able to adjust your work to suit your preferred way of working. You may have many options than you realised to make your existing work far more rewarding.

Appreciating Difference

Our NLP Diploma will provide you with a way of not only understanding your own personal preferences but also understanding how others differ from you. This can not only be fascinating in itself but also:

  • Reduce conflict and stress
  • Improve communication
  • Enable you to work to others’ strengths rather than become frustrated with their weaknesses
  • Enable you to be a better manager and leader
  • Build more effective teams
  • And much more…

Rapport Building

At the heart of successful interactions with others is the NLP concept of rapport. Learning to rapidly and effectively build rapport, or in NLP terms ‘step in to another persons map of the world’, is an extremely useful skill and NLP provides many pragmatic tools and concepts to do just that. This has many practical implications including:

  • Connecting with interviewers during the interviewing process
  • Building effective relationships with recruitment consultants
  • Engaging with new people in a new role
  • Being better able to communicate your needs and what works for you
  • Being more able to understand others and what works for them
  • Being better at communicating, influencing, managing and all the other areas of work that involve working with other people


A key frame of our NLP Diploma programme is how to build goals that truly motivate and create movement towards successful outcomes. I’m sure you’ve encountered goals or work ‘objectives’ that leave you cold and uninspired. The NLP concept called ‘Well-Formed Outcomes’ (WFO’s) enables you to create goals that truly fit your values, a sense of who you are (or who you want to become) and what you are really capable of. This means that you will be far more focused on developing a career that is satisfying and rewarding for you personally. It means that you will also be far more successful at achieving more challenging goals and helping others do the same.

Learning New Skills

NLP fundamentally derives from the question, “Why is it that some people are better at some things than others?” Or put another way “What is the difference that makes the difference?” Our NLP Diploma course will teach you a range of techniques for understanding the mental strategies of others that you can then use to improve your own skills and capabilities. Wouldn’t it be great going in to a new role knowing you have a whole bunch of pragmatic and common-sense tools for learning all the things to need to know in order to be successful?

Letting go of the past

What often holds people back is old patterns of behaviour or old beliefs and values that need updating. Unresolved relationships, decisions that you’re still beating yourself up about, values inherited from parents that no longer serve you and misunderstood intentions can all cause limiting behaviours. NLP offers a number of ways of making sense of and recoding past experiences. These can often be turned to empowering beliefs and values that can propel you forward in to a new role and future success. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to drop some of those limiting beliefs and forge ahead to create the life you truly want?

In summary

This is just a brief sample of the benefits of NLP from the perspective of career development. Please do feel free to ask questions as we are very happy to advise how NLP can help in all manner of contexts.

Do take a look at some of our video testimonials. They are unscripted views of how people really experienced learning NLP with Field & Field and the personal benefits achieved.

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