Authentic Happiness

I was in discussion with a ‘Lady of the Cloth’ the other day. A delightfully informed and educated one at that and it was a lively and sadly short conversation. She asked what I regarded as the secret to happiness. It reminded me of a great book that I highly recommend called The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathon Haidt. Mr Haidt’s conclusion after reviewing the field of Positive Psychology and ancient wisdom on Happiness is that authentic happiness boils down to:

Connection + Contribution

Meaningful connection to fellow human beings that add value and Contribution to something greater than themselves. I think this is a really sound conclusion and stands pretty firm against questions from all sorts of perspectives.

Try it out. Does it work for you?

Personally I work in a field that accentuates great human connection and my work directly contributes to improving peoples lives. I’m authentically happy about that…

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