
Transition – Part 2: Procrastination

In part 1 of this 4 part series we looked at how important it is to identify and follow your own values and beliefs through transitions in life. If you don’t then you can find yourself following someone else’s agenda which will ultimately lead to frustration. In this post we look at procrastination, the causes [...]

5-a-day for a healthy mind

Eating a minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day lowers the risk of serious health problems. In 2008 the British Government commissioned a review of the work of hundreds of scientists from across the world to create a set of five simple actions which can improve psychological well-being in everyday life. The [...]

How do people really change?

All our work is based on helping people to learn so that they can make better choices for themselves and create the life that they want. We have numerous techniques, tools and concepts available to us from the practice of NLP and our own life experience. Over the years we’ve noticed a common pattern that [...]

VIDEO: Creativity and Learning

Our favourite (and funny) educationalist Sir Ken Robinson with assistance from RSAnimate on why our education system must change. To talk to us call 01865 600 725 or use our contact form. You’ll find more free information down the right-hand side of this page and you can also follow us on FaceBook.     To find out more about [...]