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“The best ever conference/retreat/learning experience I have ever attended.”
Suzi Hutton – Psychotherapeutic counsellor and EMDR practitioner
“A unique combination of a fascinating theme, a brilliant and entertaining lecturer, the opportunity to meet open and enquiring minds from diverse backgrounds and experiences, a wonderful venue and nourishing food. I’m looking forward to returning”
“This course is the best conference I have ever been to”.
Dr Iain McClure – Psychiatrist and playwright
“An inspiring experience that has been a highlight for the year. This is a truly life changing retreat.
It gifted me a time in a place of beauty with open hearts and minds. It has kindled a fire in my being. Thank you”
“I was delighted at how much the course added to my understanding. It also gave me many stimulating experiences into the bargain.
”I would unhesitatingly recommend the course as a potentially life-changing experience”
Professor John F. Miller – Author of ‘Do You Read Me?’ and ‘The Triumphant Victim’
“The experience is simply life-changing. It was much beyond measure”
Manuela Hrasky
‘Life changing…the conversations with countless other thoughtful, creative and passionate people was incredible. I will definitely be joining again this year’
Alistair Duncan
“Everything was outstanding – content, venue, other delegates – exceeded expectations”
“It has given me the foundations and infinite raw materials for the rest of my life!”
Mind blowing and full of wonder. Great stuff.”
Dr Rosalind Savage – MBE – Ocean rower, author and speaker at TED talks
“Rich ideas within an extraordinary landscape. Best of all this Conference Retreat offers a spectrum of many ways of being there – it’s for those hungry for intellectual engagement, for those wanting creative participation and for those just want a semi-silent retreat and space to be or a mix of all three. It caters for all.”
“The seeds of a new world view are being planted, fertilised and encouraged to grow and will bear fruit”
Chris Bem
“Remarkable conversations in a beautiful setting. A profound experience”
Brian Welch
“I loved the whole ‘wrap-around’ experience. It’s so good to step outside and away from life as usual, reflect and truly experience something thoughtful, worthwhile and so life-changing you have to do it.”
“Money and time well spent.”
Ruth Ball – Head of OD and Sustainability (NHS)
“What was particularly clever was how you achieved the synthesis of the attendants; we appeared from multiple directions bringing multiple disciplines and experience yet there was a sense of belonging and sharing.
“It was fun, stimulating, inclusive and that was just the company of the other ‘learners’; Thank you.”
Jane Cuming
“A wonderful experience that I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone interested in achieving some balance in their hectic modern lives.”
Chris Colcomb
“A warm, welcoming and flexible environment.”
“Food for thought and for the Soul – thank you”
Veronica Kloucek
“Immensely insightful, compelling and brilliantly provocative.
Kate Lanz
“the retreat restored my faith in human beings, and brought me to think much more about the power we have as a collective that we need to use more”
Anne Ryan
“It has taken me awhile to come down from the thrill of the conference. It was indeed a mind blowing and stretching experience. There was an absolute buzz about the place and people were so friendly, whether queuing up for meal times, sitting next to each other in lectures or involved in the discussions. A chance to mull over ideas and obtain new perspectives in the discussion groups with intelligent, articulate people coming from different backgrounds and experiences. As well as a chance to stay in a very lovely hotel with beautiful views and delicious meals; opportunities for walks in the extensive grounds and have a swim, sauna or massage in the spa. Thank you Samantha”
Moira Brimscombe
“This course was intelligent, challenging, moving and therapeutic in equal measures – a veritable feast for the senses. The conversations over lunch and dinner were as illuminating as Iain’s views. It was interesting to see how all participants took something different from the conversation according to how it helped their own experience”
William O’Connor
“Iain’s book resonated profoundly with me and reminded me that I was missing something(s) in my life. The course has enabled me to explore these thoughts more fully and to identify some ways forward.”
Kay Hoggett
“The course provided in depth information about the work of left and right brain hemispheres, whilst also allowing us time and space to reflect deeply on our views of the world and the implications of left hemisphere dominance for our humanity, health, happiness and well being.”
Jenny Mackness
‘This was a magical few days surrounded by vibrant and interesting people in a lovely setting. A very rich and intense experience”
“Excellent course with many magic and illuminated moments giving me lots to think about and ponder on.”
Marion Laing
“A fully immersive retreat experience”
“I thoroughly enjoyed and found the whole environment conducive to a wonderful learning experience about the right and left brain hemispheres”
Jennie Craven
“A wonderful restorative space for learning from the wisdom of Iain McGilchrist. This was a highly significant milestone on my personal journey.”
“A renewal of thought and body in beautiful Cotswold Countryside. Thank you”
Jerry Gilpin
“I have come away feeling refreshed and stimulated at every level. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
Miriam Orriss
“I recommend any means that leads to people getting closer to the vision that Iain McGilchrist introduces us to.”
Jim Graham
“Full of information from very different perspectives. Iain McGilchrist is a teacher of philosophy, biology, neurology, theology – all of which gives us learning about human life, death and sublime joy. This is for anyone who is interested in who they are and who they can become.”
Maggie Winter
“This course has been a rich feast of science, art, creativity in many forms and fruitful discussions with people from diverse disciplines and so much more. It has enriched me personally and will inform my work as a psychiatrist in such a meaningful way.”
“It has really allowed me to open my mind. I have learnt things beyond which I would expect to be able to comprehend.”
Marilyn Clothier
“I came to the programme with no preconceptions or expectations. I found a diversity of topics and discussions that has been thought provoking and practically useful. A very enjoyable experience.”
Janine Brooks
“A wonderful journey into what it means to be connected to the universe through the right hemisphere and the magic of simply being rather than doing. Thought provoking and humbling. Everybody should have privilege of benefitting from his (Iain McGilchrist’s) philosophy on life.”
Howard Lack”
“Four days of soaking up information to nourish and deepen by learning and knowledge of the brain and its application. Good connections and conversations with interesting, intelligent people who have/more different experiences and knowledge and in a beautiful environment.”
Kaaren Brook
“A mind blowing, stretching experience. So much to consider and such a stimulus to explore these ideas even more”
Moira Brimscombe
“The Conference Retreat was both stimulating and relaxing. The staff and service could not have been better. The setting and the content were ideal”
“This course has been pure joy”
“An experience I simply wouldn’t have missed.
Thank you.”
Jennie Thornton